LinkedIn Programs & Pricing

With more than 400 million members (including 100 million+ in the US) and 2 million+ groups, LinkedIn has become an indispensable platform for the professional community. Corporations, entrepreneurs, and service providers use LinkedIn to build their networks, built their brands, promote their expert status, and share their brilliance.

A robust LinkedIn presence will increase your visibility among prospects, clients, potential partners, and key influencers.


LinkedIn Packages

LinkedIn Buzz:

$325 / month (plus one-time set-up $200)

  • Content Development:
    • Our social media writers craft highly engaging posts designed to promote your thought leadership and increase visibility of your company or mission.
    • Posts are timely and relevant, derived from company website / blog, industry publications, YouTube videos, current news stories, and other sources.
    • Posts are written in your voice and aligned with your brand.
  • Posting on your account
    • One status update per day, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
    • Four discussion “starters” in multiple LinkedIn groups each month


LinkedIn Master:

$625 / month (plus one-time set-up $200)

  • Content Development
    • (Same as described above)
  • Posting on your account
    • One status update per day, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
    • 10 discussion “starters” in multiple LinkedIn groups each month
  • Engagement and Relationship Building
    • Your account manager performs a series of activities designed to attract attention from within your target audience, including prospects, clients, colleagues, and potential partners. We increase your profile views and your profile ranking among your connections.
    • Activities include sharing, liking, and commenting on posts; endorsing others for their expertise; tagging others in posts; and acknowledging connections’ milestones (new jobs, work anniversaries, etc.).
  • Community Building:
    • Your account manager extends connection invitations to those who can add value to your network. He or she also accepts connection invitations on your behalf.
    • Your account manager joins appropriate professional groups to increase your visibility.


LinkedIn Leader:

$925 / month (plus one-time set-up $400)

  • Content Development
    • (Same as described above)
  • Posting on your account
    • One status update per day, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
    • 10 discussion “starters” in multiple LinkedIn groups each month
  • Proactive Lead Generation
    • Our social media writers craft a customized lead-generation letter that includes a call-to-action. This letter uses a “soft sell” approach and generally suggests that the prospect take advantage of a free offer (consultation, download, Linked-In group membership, registration for a webinar, etc.).
    • Your account manager sends this letter to 30 first-level connections (each month), making minor modifications to each, based on content from your contacts’ LinkedIn profiles.
    • Your account manager sends you a list of connections to review each month prior to sending the letters.


Click here to contact us. We will answer all of your questions, and help you decide if our LinkedIn programs are right for you.