On Twitter, we find people in your target audience by searching for special keywords that are contained in Twitter users’ profiles or actual tweets. Example: If you are a business consultant who coaches wellness professionals, we may search for terms like “Nutritionist” or “Personal Trainer” in profiles. If you are a realtor, we may search for people who mentioned “buy” and “house” in the same tweet. Also, we sometimes search for Twitter users who are following people similar to you. Once we create a list of potential followers, we follow them on your behalf. Many of these people will follow you back.

We use the information you send us in your initial questionnaire to create your community-building strategy. If you see that the people we are following for you are not, in general, aligned with your target audience, then let us know and we can adjust your keywords and other parameters.

We follow people for you manually and at a measured pace in an effort to comply with Twitter’s rules. If the number of people you are following greatly exceeds your number of followers, you will no longer be able to follow anyone new (until your following catches up). To prevent this from happening, we will manually un-follow people who have not followed you back.

You are able to follow of un-follow anyone you like; but keep in mind that we are doing the same for you. If we duplicate efforts, you may run the risk of exceeding Twitter’s limits, and they may choose to take action. Twitter is not specific in terms of numbers of people you can follow per day, month, or year, and they have full authority to suspend your Twitter account at any time. If this happens, we have no ability to recover your account. Although none of our clients have ever been permanently suspended, we have no control over the actions Twitter takes. It is their platform and they make and enforce the rules at their own discretion.