Facebook Hashtags: How they will impact social media for business

By |2017-05-23T03:47:18-04:00June 13th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

When you think of social media, one of the first words that comes to mind is hashtag. The term was popularized on Twitter, and then spread like wildfire to other social media networks, including Instagram and Tumblr. A hashtag is a searchable word or phrase prefixed by the symbol #. For example, if you were trying [...]

Liveblogging the Oscars: The Interactive Internet Oscar Party

By |2017-05-23T03:47:20-04:00February 23rd, 2013|Tags: , , , , |

As you’ve no doubt heard, the 85th annual Academy Awards Ceremony is being hosted this weekend on ABC. Unfortunately, and to our complete surprise, we failed to garner an invitation. But there's no need to fret. There are other exciting ways to watch The Oscars. Some people host Oscar Parties. Which are fantastic - if you’re [...]

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