How to Post Your Content Online Every Day

Have you ever regretted eating something because it made you feel bad (physically and / or emotionally)? Actually, you knew you shouldn’t eat it. In fact, the last time you had eaten it (and felt terrible), you told yourself you’d remember not to eat it again. You may even have said to yourself: The next time I have an urge to eat this, I’ll remind myself how bad I felt.

And yet, somehow, you convince yourself that this time it will be okay.

No matter how many times (hundreds?) you’ve felt bad from eating it, you can persuade yourself that this time will be different. This time the benefits will outweigh the negatives.

You are so persuasive!

We actually have two parts of our brain fighting it out in situations like this. The Pre-frontal Cortex (the adult), who plans ahead and has our best interest in mind, and the Primal Brain (the child), who wants what she wants and is only happy with instant gratification.

The same is true for many things in life. Like staying up late when you KNOW you will feel bad in the morning.

(see Jerry Seinfeld talk about Night Guy vs. Morning Guy)

And the same is true for marketing our businesses.

Adult Brain: I want to grow my business, and I know that in order to get results I need to be persistent and consistent. I need to show up every day as an expert. I know there will be challenges, but I must not quit. The business leaders who succeed are the ones who persevere. So I will spend time each day doing what it takes to get in front of the right people. Every day.

Child Brain: I’m tired. I don’t know what to say. My words aren’t perfect yet. This is scary. It’s okay to skip today. It will be easier tomorrow. I want to stop feeling this stress so I will do something else.

Guess who wins this argument?

If you haven’t put structure and accountability into place, the Child wins. Every time.

It’s not because you are weak. It’s not because you are lazy. It’s not because you aren’t good enough / smart enough / strong enough.

It’s simply because you are HUMAN.

Our Primal Brain was built to protect us. And it is very strong. It thinks that doing new things is scary, and its job is to protect us from scary things.

When you feel like avoiding that bold marketing task, your brain is simply doing its job. And it is doing its job well.


But as a modern human running a business, we need to teach our Primal Brain that avoiding risky things (like going live on Facebook or sharing a new program) is not the best thing for us. Avoiding those things is actually NOT protecting us.

We can’t get rid of the primal brain. It will always be a part of us. But we CAN strengthen the Pre-frontal Cortex.

Here’s how:

1) Plan and document 24 hours in advance

When we plan ahead, our Adult Brain is in charge. With this method, you only want to document one day in advance. You may have a whole week (or month, or quarter) planned out – with topics, launched, ideas, etc., but to follow this structure of strengthening our Adult Marketing Brain, you will only document the next day.

Make sure you are planning the NEXT day. Don’t try to plan the current day. Plan the NEXT day. If you like to do your planning in the morning, you will be planning for tomorrow. You want to be planning at least 24 hours in advance – but not much more. Don’t plan for next week. Plan for tomorrow.

Here is what you want to put in your plan: anything that you feel will further your business and move you toward YOUR goals. Do you need to establish more thought leadership? Plan 2 posts giving expert advice or resources to show off your brilliance. Do you want to build relationships with your audience? Plan to go live. Do you want to grow engagement on Instagram? Plan a post that connects with your target audience and plan to spend 15 minutes engaging with others.

This is YOUR plan. YOU are choosing what to do tomorrow. You aren’t following anyone else’s system. Yes, you can get suggestions from people who have succeeded, but you are creating your own plan.

That being said – only plan what you know you can do. If you know you don’t have time to go live for 20 minutes, don’t plan a 20-minute livestream. If you’re just getting started with posting about a new program, plan to post one thing about it (instead of 12!). Yes, your plan may be a stretch and it may scare you a bit, but you also need to be realistic.

Write down the marketing tasks you plan to do tomorrow.

2) Follow the plan

Yes, your Primal Brain will speak up and try to persuade you to not follow the plan. But now that you have a document of the plan, you have ammunition. This time, the Primal Brain can’t successfully convince you that you don’t really want to do these things. This time you know that you DO want to do these things.

3) Repeat. Every day.

Easier said than done? Yes. But doable? Yes!

One thing that makes this more likely? Accountability!

Here’s one way to get that:

SHINE 365 is a program that gives you a social media post prompt for every day. Sometimes it just takes a prompt to get your daily posting done. I look forward to helping you stay committed to your goal of showing up every day.