The famous, of course, have employed ghostwriters for autobiographies and articles. But having someone else write continual updates of their daily life?  Should celebrities use ghost writers to tweet for them?

It’s a controversial topic.  Some people have strong opinions.Should celebrities use Ghost Tweeters?

A celebrity’s voice is expected to be their own.  It’s about ethics.

I don’t know if they “should” but I definitely don’t see a problem with it – same with business – for me it’s a branding/marketing tool and not any different than having someone write a commercial or speech for them

I disagree with such action. I would expect that folks do their own writing. And, if not, that it is very clear that they had another person write for them.

After two athletes were banned from the Olympic on separate occasions for tweeting racist comments, I was interviewed by Canadian Radio.  The topic: When so many people are watching your every tweet, should you hire an expert to “protect” you?

Take a listen to this interview on CBC Canadian Radio, and tell me your opinion!
