Why Businesses Fail at Social MediaOh, Social Media – it takes too long.  I don’t know what to do.  There’s no return on investment.  I don’t see any results.

Okay, I’m tired of the whining.  Here is why you are failing at Social Media:

    1. You think Social Media is supposed to lead to direct sales
      Many people have asked me, “After I start marketing on Twitter, how quickly will I see a big increase in sales?”  Well, not very quickly, especially if you treat social media marketing like traditional direct advertising.  Social networking effectively leads to more income if you treat it as the perfect way to meet new people and build relationships.You get more business from the connections you make online – from the people who get to know, like, and trust you.

      Many people say, “Well, that takes a lot longer.”  No it’s doesn’t!  Direct selling to strangers online works never.  Getting to know people, allowing them to get to know (and love) you, and building relationships works.  It sounds like my way is a lot faster.


  1. You aren’t consistent
    Consistency in marketing is always important.  It leads to higher visibility and trust.  Lack of consistency makes your followers and connections worry about your reliability – even if it is subconscious.  Your sporadic and unpredictable networking erodes faith.Here is what you want to be consistent with:

    • How often you connect: Do you post daily?  Do you respond to questions quickly?  Do you thank people whenever they share your information?
    • Your message: Stay true to your company’s philosophy, beliefs, and mission.
    • Your brand: Make sure that EVERYTHING you post is in alignment with how you want to be perceived.
  2. You’re trying to promote your business or product, instead of promoting YOU
    People don’t connect with logos, products, brands, or businesses.  They connect with people.  Be YOU.  Then people will learn about your business and your merchandise.  Trust me on this.  Join all social networking sites as YOURSELF if you want to build a loyal community of enthusiastic followers who can’t wait to tell others about what you have to offer.

Social Media is where it’s at, baby! You can’t ignore it.  So do it right.

To your SUCCESS!