Did you know that color can impact how people see your brand? It’s true! Colors influence our perception, and different hues cause certain emotional and physical reactions in the body. Understanding those reactions and what emotions that get triggered is a critical part of any brand’s overall impression on customers and prospects. 

The trick is to know which colors evoke the emotions you want associated with your brand so you can effectively elicit feelings that are in harmony with your message. In this episode, you’ll learn how to do just that. Listen in and discover what your hue says about you.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Discover In Today’s Episode:

  • How color affects the way people see your brand.
  • What emotions are associated with each color.
  • Why you should use yellow (and red, and… well, any color) with caution.
  • Ways you can use color to communicate your brand effectively.
  • Which color elicits the most powerful physical sensations.

??  Grab your Psychology of Color Freebie here! ?

Ideas Worth Sharing:

If you want a slight edge with your brand…incorporate the power of color. - @NikaStewart Click To Tweet

Color does influence our perception. - @NikaStewart Click To Tweet

We can use color to elicit the feelings that are in harmony with our brand. - @NikaStewart Click To Tweet

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