Twitter Bird growing a following

When getting a social media marketing campaign off the ground, you might think that the obvious goal is to deliver your message to as large an audience as possible. Some may even go so far as to employ (or consider) pay services that promise to deliver vast numbers of Twitter followers to your social media doorstep.

Not so fast, Twitter marketer.

Before you get caught up in the numbers game, it’s important to understand that the quality of your followers matters more than the quantity. Simply put, bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to converting Twitter followers to loyal supporters. What follows are three simple steps for connecting with an audience that is clamoring to hear what you have to say (though they might not know it yet).

1. Start with a strong profile

Before you connect to your audience and get to know them, they need to get to know you, and your profile is a great place to start the conversation. That’s where most people will look before deciding to follow you or not, so make sure your house in order. Present yourself in an engaging manner with a complete profile and photo that fits your brand or message.

Related:  How to Write an Effective Twitter Profile

2. Find and follow relevant people

Once that’s done, engage your audience by retweeting others who post content that relates to your brand. Use hashtags to make your conversation part of the larger conversation about your area of expertise.

Related:  3 Great Ways to Engage Twitter Followers

3. Post consistent, quality content

You want a targeted following, so be selective about what you tweet or retweet. It’s OK to throw in an entertaining quote or inspirational observation every now and then, but keep the majority of your content limited to what interests your target audience. And don’t forget to promote your Twitter account through your website, blog, and other social media channels.

So while the overall goal of social media is to increase your visibility, simply getting in front of the most eyeballs isn’t enough. Finding and connecting with a discerning audience can make all the difference in your social media campaign.

Yes, building and maintaining a highly effective, engaging social media presence requires a significant investment of time, funds, and effort.  The companies who are doing it well (and getting great results) are hiring staff specifically assigned to social media, or working with an outside team. If you are serious about getting results, let us help you.  Schedule a chat here.