3 Ways to EngageYou’re tweeting every day. You post quality content and provide information that is of value to your followers, but there’s one problem: You aren’t seeing the impact on your business that you thought Twitter would yield.

So what’s the issue? Most likely it’s engagement, or lack thereof. While it’s great to broadcast your message every day, it’s important to inject a healthy dose of engagement into your Twitter program. Want to create instant buzz and excitement with your social media program? Engage!

Here are three great ways to engage your Twitter followers:

  • Recognition:
    Twitter is the perfect place to shower your followers with heartfelt praise and recognition. Retweeting is a great way to engage followers by promoting their messages. But instead of simply clicking retweet, include some pep and spice to the RT by adding a comment and an appropriate hashtag. Adding your opinion before the RT makes the gesture more genuine and effective.
    “Great article about dog walking, via @username …”
  • Visit the blog of one of your favorite followers.
    Find an article and tweet:
    “Best article I’ve seen in a long time about swimming with #dolphins. Must read! (link) via @twittername”
    When your follower sees this, it will be apparent that you went the extra mile, and that alone may spark a return favor or conversation.
  • Be sure to always acknowledge a kindness received.
    If someone retweets you, thank her and feel free to reciprocate and retweet a post that would benefit your audience.

One of the keys to success on Twitter is engagement in the form of quality tweets. While spreading your unique message, generously promote others’ messages that align with yours. Not only will be showing a kindness to others, but you will be adding value for your followers.

Happy engagement!