Random Acts of Social Media Kindness

By |2017-05-23T03:47:20-04:00February 19th, 2013|Tags: , , |

Did you celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week last week?  Unfortunately, we confess, we forgot to blog about it until today. Luckily, however, being kind doesn’t have an expiration date.  Here are some random acts of kindness that you can do any day of the year. How to perform Random Acts of Kindness on Social Media: [...]

What’s Hot in Social Media

By |2017-05-23T03:47:20-04:00February 8th, 2013|

New platforms, apps, and networking sites come out about every second, and you gotta keep up, right? While it isn't possible to adopt every new strategy, it's good to be in the know about current trends and news. Here is what is new and hot right now: VINE Last week, Twitter introduced Vine: a mobile service [...]

5 Ways to Celebrate National Pancake Day on Social Media

By |2016-09-15T08:20:48-04:00February 5th, 2013|

Pancakes, crepes, griddle cakes, Frixuelos, or short stacks. Whatever they're called, they are certainly delicious! Yes, today is National Pancake Day, a celebration launched in 2006 by International House of Pancakes. Since the event's inception, IHOP has raised more than $10 million to support charities.  Today, you can enjoy a free short stack of Buttermilk pancakes [...]

Does Social Media Make Us Bitter and Jealous?

By |2017-05-23T03:47:20-04:00January 24th, 2013|

After seeing my daughter safely get onto the school bus, I shut the front door quickly.  A check of the weather app showed it was 16 degrees (but "it feels like 4").  I shivered and put on a heavy sweatshirt, then got to work. As I checked in online, I understood why a new study found [...]

How Did They Get 1 Million Facebook Likes?

By |2017-05-23T03:47:20-04:00January 21st, 2013|

...in SEVEN HOURS! I love fun viral success stories.  But instead of just reading about them (and feeling jealous), I like to see what I can learn - so I can replicate the process for myself and my clients.  Here is a great story about 2 kids who got 1 million Facebook *likes* in SEVEN hours [...]

Sensually Appealing Social Media Trends for 2013

By |2017-05-23T03:47:20-04:00January 10th, 2013|

It’s a New Year. With a new year come new goals, new ideas, and new trends.  So what is on the horizon in terms of social media?  Yes, Twitter and Facebook will remain in the forefront – sharing millions of thoughts, ideas, and opinions (sometimes in 140 characters or less).  But let’s take a moment to [...]

What Are People Talking About On Facebook?

By |2017-05-23T03:47:21-04:00October 15th, 2012|

You want to get more comments and likes on your Facebook posts?  You need to post updates that trigger people emotionally, compelling them to respond. So what types of posts trigger the most responses? Ask people to discuss their kids: We might not like listening to other people talk about their kids, but we all want [...]

The Impact of Social Media on a Local Election

By |2017-05-23T03:47:21-04:00August 10th, 2012|

The Story: After losing the Vote to build a mega-retail complex in January 2010, the national builder decided to regroup and try again in 2012. The issue at hand for the 6,000+ residents of a cozy mountain community was whether or not the developer could build a mixed-use shopping and residential center on a swath of [...]

Social Media Marketing 101: “Why should my company be using social media marketing?”

By |2017-05-23T03:47:21-04:00July 11th, 2012|

Read any business journal, and you cannot help but notice the focus on social media as an essential element in any company's marketing campaign. In virtually all television, radio, print, outdoor, and internet ads, companies are inviting visitors to "Like us on Facebook" and "Follow us on Twitter." Buy why? Before jumping in to the social [...]

How to Build Your Business on Facebook

By |2017-05-23T03:47:21-04:00June 28th, 2012|

Facebook can be a huge waste of time.  But not if you start with INTENT. Don’t waste one more minute on Facebook if you aren’t clear on your intention. Your intention affects your actions.  When you have a clear intent, you are much more likely to reach your goals. So what is your Facebook Intention?  Here [...]

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