Which Social Media Platform Should I Spend Time On?

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00May 5th, 2016|

Does this sound like your schedule? Do you spend your days floundering around the various social networks posting, commenting, sharing, and liking? How are entrepreneurs supposed to get any actual work done if they are spending every waking moment on social media? We can’t. Just like with traditional advertising, you get better results when you don’t [...]

Twitter Accounts to Inspire your Marketing Game

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00May 3rd, 2016|

Twitter has long been established as a key player in the online marketing world. We all know establishing a presence on the platform can be instrumental in growing our brands. You don’t have to be a brilliant poet to be successful in this 140-character game, but you do have to know how to engage and what [...]

How to Be the Biggest Fish in the Live-Stream

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00May 2nd, 2016|

It’s a fact: there’s been a surge in live video streaming over the last year due to apps like Periscope, Facebook Live, and Snapchat. Sure, we’ve seen tearfully boring streams of someone waiting for the cable repairman or that guy live streaming his decision of which soda to purchase from a vending machine, but these apps [...]

Three Instagram Accounts to Inspire Your Marketing Game

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 30th, 2016|

Instagram: filled to the gills with unprecedented opportunity to reach mass audiences, visually build your brand and … share pictures of your drool-worthy Sunday brunch? Yes, the app is chock full of artfully arranged afternoon picnics and airbrushed cocktail parties but it’s swiftly becoming the perfect platform for your business to visually tell a story, offer [...]

2016 Social Media Marketing Trends to Pay Attention to Q2

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 28th, 2016|

Stay informed with the latest in social media marketing In our technology-driven society, the rules of social media marketing are constantly evolving. Users are changing the way they search, demanding up-to-the-second updates, and accessing content primarily from their phones. People are seeking authenticity, human connection, and engagement with the faces behind the brand. Let’s explore some [...]

Five Ways to Take Social Media to the Next Level

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 27th, 2016|

Social media marketing is an indispensable gold mine to any business growth strategy. It can be used as a vehicle to drive traffic to your website, introduce you to potential clients, and build brand recognition. But how can you make it work for you without getting stuck in a rut? We’ll show you how. Create and [...]

How To Host a Successful Twitter Chat

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 26th, 2016|

When it comes to marketing your business, a Twitter Chat is a great way to gain exposure while positioning yourself as a leader in your field. A win/win situation if you ask us. Here, we’ve compiled some steps to make your Twitter Chat a smashing success. Participate in Other Chats Familiarize yourself with how others in [...]

How To Measure Your Success on LinkedIn

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 25th, 2016|

LinkedIn: A powerful search engine where you can establish and build awareness of your professional expertise? An online networking tool to connect with colleagues and potential business partners? A simple way to learn about industry trends, start and join relevant conversations, and meet people who are likely interested in your products and services? 
 Yes, yes, [...]

Great Sources for Twitter Content You Can Use Right Now

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 22nd, 2016|

Finding just the right content to tweet is a great source of stress for many entrepreneurs and thought leaders. Quite a few soon-to-be clients of ours have told us of their woes staring at their computer or mobile screens with a tweet box open for hours on end, searching for something - anything to share with [...]

Three Reasons to Integrate your Social Media

By |2017-05-23T03:47:14-04:00April 22nd, 2016|

When you run your social media pages like independent silos, it's a lot like your arms and legs operating with a mind of their own, pulling you in every direction. But when you take a strategic, integrated approach to social media, your steps are in sync, your Twitter and Facebook limbs support the company body's total [...]

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