Three Instagram Accounts to Inspire Your Marketing Game

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 30th, 2016|

Instagram: filled to the gills with unprecedented opportunity to reach mass audiences, visually build your brand and … share pictures of your drool-worthy Sunday brunch? Yes, the app is chock full of artfully arranged afternoon picnics and airbrushed cocktail parties but it’s swiftly becoming the perfect platform for your business to visually tell a story, offer [...]

What’s Your Klout Score? (and is it important?)

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 23rd, 2016|

Want to know how much pull you have on social media? Enter Klout, a tool to measure a person’s online influence and social media credibility: the more influential you are, the higher your score. While Google’s search engine ranks the relevance of web pages, Klout’s mission is to rank the influence of every person online, from [...]

Great Sources for Twitter Content You Can Use Right Now

By |2017-05-23T03:47:13-04:00April 22nd, 2016|

Finding just the right content to tweet is a great source of stress for many entrepreneurs and thought leaders. Quite a few soon-to-be clients of ours have told us of their woes staring at their computer or mobile screens with a tweet box open for hours on end, searching for something - anything to share with [...]

Three Reasons to Integrate your Social Media

By |2017-05-23T03:47:14-04:00April 22nd, 2016|

When you run your social media pages like independent silos, it's a lot like your arms and legs operating with a mind of their own, pulling you in every direction. But when you take a strategic, integrated approach to social media, your steps are in sync, your Twitter and Facebook limbs support the company body's total [...]

How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Business

By |2017-05-23T03:47:14-04:00April 11th, 2016|

In the decade since it was founded, Twitter has grown from an ambiguous messaging service into one of the most ubiquitous communication tools in the world and arguably, a major player in pop culture. It is a social utility, a news source, and with the right strategies, a powerful tool for promoting your business. And with [...]

How Running an Effective Twitter Campaign is a Lot Like Standing on an Upside-Down Egg Crate in Times Square in Torn Bell-Bottom Jeans Screaming into a Cracked, Multicolored Bullhorn on a Rainy Sunday Afternoon

By |2017-05-23T03:47:14-04:00February 20th, 2016|

A few weeks ago, I had occasion to pass through Manhattan, and as I observed a passionate Times Square Dude (TSD) standing on an upside-down egg crate, screaming into a multicolored bullhorn, I could not help but notice the striking similarities between this spectacle and using Twitter.   Is the connection not immediately clear? Don’t worry, [...]

How to Connect with Influencers through Social Media

By |2017-05-23T03:47:14-04:00January 4th, 2016|

If a brand tweets in the social media forest and there’s no one retweeting, does it make a sound? With a capacity for tremendous global reach and massive sharing, social media has the potential to be a powerful, low-cost marketing vehicle for companies, large and small. But even the pithiest posts fall flat without a cadre [...]

Why You Should Use G+ for Your Business

By |2017-05-23T03:47:16-04:00May 22nd, 2015|

Google Plus.  Sure, you know it exists, just like Kopi Luwak coffee.  But that doesn’t mean you’ve tried it. After all, isn’t $600 / pound coffee still, in the end, just coffee? Well, sure it is. And Chopin was just a piano player. In many ways, G+ surpasses all other social media networks, as it offers [...]

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